As for Gwen, at least we can make up a happy ending for her. He doesnt look at this grave and he almost has a look of disgust or regret at himself for believing that he will see his old friend King Arthur again. Rege-Jean Page is sticking with Netflix for his next film role. In the time they were together Morgause proceeded to corrupt Morgana, who lets face it already had enough reason to go mad. Morganas role as a villain not only posed a threat to Arthurs destiny because of her power, but also because she used sorcery for evil means. are all meaninglessfrom the very first episode, watching this series again has zero replay value because you know it is all pointless the title character Merlin will ultimately fail and be completely heartbroken it literally would make seeing so many scenes be upsetting because you know it is not going to ever happen. Problem is, she doesnt much confide in him. While I dont think it is 100% his fault, I still think that he played a huge part as to why he and Arthur couldnt fulfil their destinies. If he had allowed Uther to die then the following things would have happened. But we can imagine, our imaginations already sparked by the wealth of potential and possibilities offered up by the series, the finale a fulfilment of so much promise and an encouragement to imagine our own endings beyond what the legends had to offer. I (like many others) literally cried as Merlin revealed his magic, and at Arthurs death. So why am I still so emotionally compromised by its ending? Every step of the way Merlin made the wrong choice in how to deal with Morgana. In Titanic, Rose is left on her own to grieve Jacks death, but lets get real, she knew him for like a week. Was she pure evil, or was she just simply wanting to free the land from Uther? Mr. Bailey is no longer there, and Noodles sees the blades that crush the trash in the back. But not Merlin. It does not see Arthurs destiny through, does not leave room for our imaginations about much. I cant argue with them, clearly Im not them so I cant, but the ending of the show was just so flaccid is how Id describe it. I had not really thought about it much, but yeah, Gaius did kind of interefere with all the Dragons advice. Merlin would still have lost his friend. Thanks to Merlins actions by the time Arthur takes over, he is a far cry from the man Kilgarrah saw in his vision of the future. Let the young boy be hanged, poison your best friend, let Uther die etc. He is fourth over closest to the wall. This is clearly the last chance Arthur has to fulfil this part of his destiny. Also though Morgause is a powerful sorcerer, she would not have been a match for the combined might of Arthur wielding Excalibur, Merlin whose magic would be out in the open, Morgana who would most likely side with Arthur and the Great Dragon! Had Merlin not used magic to heal Uther, Uther would have died and Arthur may have come to the conclusion that Magic was not evil somewhere down the line by himself. Arthur if anything looked like a rather inept king. Really appreciate the feedback. Mordred clearly knows that Merlin hesitated to save him. I think Arthur died because in some legends he dies and is supposed to eventually come back. Arthur didnt start out the perfect heroic figure we know from the legends. Its vision of medieval times had the too-clean, glossy shine of a Disney movie (indeed it was clearly inspired by Disneys Sword in the Stone), but even so, there was something refreshingly informal about the way the characters looked and behaved. When you look at Mordred in series 1 and 2 he does not seem like the same character as the one in series 5. Merlin and Arthur; Arthur and Guinevere; Guinevere and Merlin; Merlin and Morgana; Morgana and Guinevere; even Morgana and Arthur. Which could have stopped the rest of the events from unfolding. It was the very last turning point, and he failed. It feels unresolved, like a failure of character writing. Perhaps it would have been better if he had been ruthless at the right moment. Five months later, and were still not over the dramatic, traumatizing Merlin series finale. Also the Lacelot Gwenivere adultery was more intense than they showed in the show. When Merlin and Arthur traveled to Liones, she created an illusionary . The title character fails completely. Dont read this if you havent watched the series or if you dont want any spoilers. Heres what weve read in the past month, including titles from Rick Riordan, Kendare Blake, and more. Theres a reason tragedies are usually more memorable than comedies: whenever you engage with a work of fiction you become invested in its set of characters, and you care about what happens to them. Gwen, while not reduced to a one-note villain, was pushed to the sidelines after she married Arthur, the story seeming to lose interest in her after she essentially fulfilled her legendary counterparts endgame. The ending ruins the entire story of the series in my opinion in what was a very epic storylinewith the entirety of it destroyed just by the last episode. As a result of lying to Arthur about Morgause (who did not deceive Arthur at all) Merlin convinced Arthur that magic was evil. Things had always been tense between them, but after Morgana found out she had magic then she became scared at what would happen if he found out. At the time I was just trying to make some sense of that ending, but now I agree that Merlin shouldnt have been so useless and at least brought magic back before Arthur died. With all the hate that is within Morgana there would never be any kind of peace possible because shes greedy for revenge (especially against Uther) Its focus is not on Arthur or the destiny of Camelot or Albion but on Merlin. She could have at least revealed she suspected she might be magical again, a terrifying time, but Arthur wouldnt have knifed her on the spot. Gaius may have thought he wasnt ready, but the Dragon thought Arthur was. He shows in his actions and actually says that a number of times. Arthur accepted magic and the end, but it was too late to fix it in the kingdom, but I think he achieved that by leaving Guinevere the throne as she knew at the end that Merlin had magic and was thankful for all the help he gave Camelot. She does it again when she goes to the druids but refuses to leave to protect them; not does she admit to going to them of her own will. Its not that I dislike Richard Wilson but Gaius really had outlived his usefulness in the series at that point and I think he got in the way of Merlin learning about these creatures himself and also from the Dragon being his mentor. But I am not sure I agree that the destinies were not filled. Maybe I wont have Morgana come back with Arthur but I loved the rest. NOW! Following this Morgana would have been able to discover her magic powers, but would have been able to do so in the open and would not have become bitter and hateful. Once again neither Arthurs destiny as a great king, or his death at Mordreds hand are absolutely going to happen. Merlin (Gustaf Skarsgard), for example, may well be being set up as a villain for Season 2, while the final moments also seem to be setting up a love triangle between Nimue, Arthur (Devon Terrell . Maybe this will be Merlins second chance to do things better this time. Cornering Jan (Scott Eastwood,) the last man standing in the crew that's been knocking over armored trucks in Wrath of Man, H makes him read his son's autopsy report. I really wish we could have seen Arthur make something out of his kingdom, we see some changes he makes, with his knights, and with his queen and hes also way more compassionate than Uther ever was, but the entire series revolves around magic and how its not allowed. Had Merlin done things a little better Arthur would have fulfilled the destiny the Great Dragon talked about. Merlins destiny or purpose with King Arthur wasnt over. After all Morgana did still love Arthur very much at that point, and if she pleaded with Morgause, who loved her, its doubtful that Morgause would have killed Arthur. Clearly Merlin didnt save Arthur in the end, but he did many times up to that point. Thing is, Morganas personality and choices also ultimately worked against her, and in that regard, when she continually had the chance to reassess and repent, she never did. So he didnt fail there. I kept waiting for Merlin to become more than just a servant to Arthur, sure Arthur cared a lot for him, but imagine how it would have been if, as you said, Merlin revealed his powers earlier on and Arthur came to accept them as a powerful weapon. Let us know in the comments below! Im sorry for the typos, Im on mobile. Every step of the way Merlin made the wrong choice in how to deal with Morgana. Once again however Merlin did the stupidest thing imaginable. Merlin's prophecies come when he is first introduced into Geoffrey's story. Oh my god, please do!!! And really, who isnt a sucker for that? Merlin saw what a disaster modern society was, so he brought Arthur back. Were Arthur and merlin shown to be unwilling to accept their destiny because life is complicated and tough and not clear as we see in our everyday life, then why make it a legend? If he have not done that, Morgana might repent (not sure but i think all she wants is acceptance and trust ) and mordred will not be an enemy if Arthur did not kill her love (Kara). Merlin could have even suggested to Morgana that she drink the poison so as to throw Morgause off, and assured her that he had the antidote. I really wish youd somehow written season 5. Even now, when weve technically moved on, every time we think of Merlin, it will be with that twist in our gut reminding us that Merlins story didnt end happily it didnt end at all. It feels unresolved, like a failure of character writing. Ever since the finale, the fandom has been debating whether he would have returned to Camelot after Arthurs death some fans believe it would be too painful for him to go back now that Arthur (arguably the person he had made the focus of his existence) was gone, while others argue that hed obviously go back for Gaius and Gwen. Mistakes were made only because neither arthur nor merlin believed in themselves. There was Arthur, with his knights and his queen, he really had everything to be a proper king (better than Uther had ever been) one thing missing though. FREE US ALL!. The core premise of 'Den of Thieves' revolves around a heist wherein a team of robbers, comprising former Marines, attempts to rob the Federal Reserve. Gaius tells him that Arthurs time is not ready and Gwen says that it would be wrong to stoop to Uthers level and allow him to die. The trauma would still be great but there would be resolution and hope that the great king would rise again. Whilst I tried to make sense of it way back in 2015 when I first wrote this article (again how time flies) I think it would have been better if series 5 had been Arthur and Merlin ruling a Camelot where magic was back. Because at the end of the day, Merlin is still waiting for Arthur, and we as the audience have no way of knowing if his wait will ever end. Epic adventures have disappointments, mistakes including big mistakes to overcome by taking other actions to correct them, sadness, tragedy, and heartbreakand there is plenty of that to be found throughout the seriesthe entirety of the series did not have to end like that to where it was ALL ultimately all in vain thats not just a sad ending, but a stupid ending. If youve listened to our reaction episodes on Hypables Merlin podcast, Talks of Camelot, youll know that our initial reaction episode (which we recorded right after experiencing the finale for the first time) was drastically different from the much more structured episode we released a few weeks later after wed had time to settle down and process exactly what it was the writers and showrunners had left us with. Additionally, Arthur and Morgana are paired as opposites as wellHero vs. Villainboth integral to the story but not driving the story like the character development of Merlin and Mordred. In this article I am going to go through the ways in which Merlin fails to save Arthur and Camelot and fails to bring about the future Kilgarrah had foreseen, entirely through his own mistakes. But you can still generate a prediction for those distances (or any other distance from 100 meters to 100 miles) using our race time predictor. If he did not listen to the dragon and told Morgana he had magic and of the future Arthur was foretold to bring to Camelot she may very well have never turned against Arthur. He failed ironically because this time in contrast to his mistake with Mordred in the past, he was too ruthless. yess i am totally agree with you . are all meaninglessfrom the very first episode, watching this series again has zero replay value because you know it is all pointless the title character Merlin will ultimately fail and be completely heartbroken it literally would make seeing so many scenes be upsetting because you know it is not going to ever happen. But YESSSS there were many times they could have stopped what happened. He also showed respect to the unicorn and was actually delighted when it returned from the dead. OH MY GOSH, I like your version so much better! Nothing good came of Arthurs death, and Merlin was allowed no possible way out of his grief and regret not even death, as the final scene strongly hinted that hed indeed been waiting for all this time. When Uther is mortally wounded Merlin tries to save him with magic by using a spell that will heal him. Arthur would have become king. Revisited the final battle scene. Merlin DID fullfill his destiny, just as Arthur. I think the greatest misake is when the triple goddess ask Arthurs to allow magic to Camelot , he ask Merlin his opinion but merlin choose to suggest not returning magic . By making Merlin younger, he ceased to be the untouchable enigma he becomes later in life. Worse still he allowed Morgause to run off with her. Series 5 would then see the golden age with magic being brought back and Merlin now Arthurs court sorcerer and expert on the occult. ;), but maybe they could have made a season 6 and even more, like, for example, to make Arthur get revived or something Personally, Merlin is one of my favourite series ever but the ending really disappointed me And why did they have to kill Arthur??? Morgause also most likely would have become an ally of theirs too. Right now Im constantly watching the series again but each time, I skip the 3-4 last episodes of season 5 and start re-watching season 1 I just cant take watching the final battle. Why? For a film/series is not successful just in the telling of a story or even in making viewers believe in the world they have created BUT in the impact and influence on them. A favorite of mine is the Kilgharrah conspiracy here. The finale held neither respite nor relief, as true endings rarely do. This was a test on The Dsirs part and Merlin failed. All of the pep talks from Merlin to encourage Arthur, even some from Gaius to both Arthur and Merlin, the dragon, etc. If youre looking for a new Percy Jackson podcast, look no further than Prophecy Radio, which will discuss all of Rick Riordans projects, new and old. Morgause does this so that she can sneak in and kill Uther and Arthur. I also think one small thing that could have happened in season 5 episode 10 was Modred seeing Karas second trial, where Arthur is truly trying to let her go and she insists on being difficult (which is also justified to an extent) and of course if Merlin has just let them go, things might have been different. On further reflection despite its flaws, there is brilliance in the ending. The issue is that Morgana internalises what happened as something pertaining to herself and her fears, and her attempt on Uther is as much ridding the world of a tyrant as avenging and protecting herself. Even if I havnt watched it since it ended. FREE THIS LAND FROM TYRANNY MERLIN! A neatly wrapped up ending would have satisfied us for a day. He was young and flawed, and it was hard to see how the arrogant, conflicted young man we meet in season 1 could ever become the powerful, fair king we knew he had to grow into. Finally Cenred who was a coward and unlike Uther hated losing any men, would never launch an attack on Camelot. However whilst I would have liked that ending ultimately that was not what happened and to me at least this theory is the only way of making sense of what actually happened. It is not doubted that Morgana is still a caring person at this point, and she feels for her friend. Trollhunters first revealed another magical world hidden just out of sight, and 3Below introduced aliens while Wizards explained why that magic has been hidden. Bullet Train ending explained. On Christmas Eve, no less. Arthur cant fail his destiny by dying, because he allready fullfilled his destiny, so did Merlin. Arthur most likely would purged all memory from his father in shame after this revelation. Merlin walks that road because we, humanity, are at a moral tipping point, once again lacking compassion and acceptance, nearing the age of crises, and in need of the aid of Arthur and Merlin. I think that the reason Arthur never became a great king was simply because Merlin fucked up. He says that if he does not then Morgause will kill Arthur and the future Merlin and Arthur are destined to create will die with him. I dont like that the greatest sorcerer in history would fail so horribly so many times with no real redemption to the climax of the story. Its presented as a possible future that might happen, but it could just as easily not. Here Morgana has finally decided to dispose of Uther and Merlin hearing of her plan talks to the Dragon. The king, after the defeat of the Saxons, is mortally stabbed by Mordred and Merlin's actions are of no use. Merlin is a very stupid movie whats the use of the seeing the future and not abiding to the warnings, the movie jx ended half Arthur didnt rise again Albion wasnt born magic was not restored, the movie end stupid that shouldnt have been the ending , stupid writers, Merlin is a very stupid movie whats the use of seeing the future and not abiding to the warnings, the movie jx ended half way Arthur didnt rise again Albion wasnt born, magic was not restored, the movie end stupid that shouldnt have been the ending , stupid writers. Had enough reason to go mad with Morgana the Dragons advice read in the time they were Morgause... Launch an attack on Camelot finally decided to dispose of Uther and Merlin hearing of her plan talks the! After this revelation does not see Arthurs destiny through, does not seem the! Proceeded to corrupt Morgana, who lets face it already had enough reason to go mad allowed Uther die! Unresolved, like a rather inept king the back best friend, Uther! 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