When a formal title precedes a persons name, it is capitalized as part of the name; therefore, no commas are required. My brother John was the mayor of the city. He is a good but strict teacher. Shouldnt it be no comma after wife? Thank you! rev2023.1.17.43168. When we mean that an individual has more than one sisters, we place the comma this way: Her sister Emily could sing very well. For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent. In a sentence which has three nouns as its subjectwhich could be regarded as having one noun as the subject along with two other nouns in apposition to the first nounis there a comma after the third noun? Deed from John and wife, Jane to Bob. I can certainly imagine saying to someone: "My friend Sarah is an accountant. I have been struggling with this sentence. 'The bar was walked into' also ends in an awkward preposition. 1) My manager created the discussion topic, What concerns do you have at work?, in my appraisal document. For example, which sentence below displays correct punctuation? Her hero is Michelle Kwan a, skating superstar. Your last sentence is correct. Charles went to town with his best friend, Mike. Browse other questions tagged, Start here for a quick overview of the site, Detailed answers to any questions you might have, Discuss the workings and policies of this site, Learn more about Stack Overflow the company. My question is does this sentence say that both any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes and was legally and formally applied for BOTH must be done prior to adoption of this ordinance, in order to be continued without obtaining an allocation. Last week, however, the situation was different. : Underline? Therefore you are correct to use a comma: We read the book Great Expectations, by Charles Dickens. The professor of clinical psychology at Amsterdam University Pim Cuijper states that there is no evidence that supports this online treatment is less effective than conventional therapy. This is very helpful. But I didnt agree with it and my logic, that John is essential appositive and thats why we shouldnt put comma before it. We want to marry, Dad. The name should not be surrounded by commas, however it is a good practice to use a comma after phrases or clauses of more than three or four words that begin a sentence. Therefore, it is an essential appositive, and commas are not necessary. I dont understand why. Qualifying that my friend is John ends up giving identical output to making an Oxford comma list including a third person known only as 'my friend'. The that clause identifies a specific book. A. My uncle is sick, but the highway is green. It only takes a minute to sign up. The comma after the word and is unnecessary. When you block a person, they can no longer invite you to a private message or post to your profile wall. Yes, but we recommend removing the word a.. I dont think the comma is required since special guest cannot stand on its own. For example: Jackie, are you leaving so soon? Nor would you likely write Martin the captain wore his dress uniform, but Lewis the captain was attired in his combat fatigues. Captain Martin wore . How we determine type of filter with pole(s), zero(s)? The bar was walked into by the passive voice. What else could a senator be? I would not assume that John was your only friend with sentence 1. "My friend" is in the vocative form, meaning the whole statement is being spoken to someone who is your friend, telling them that you and John went shopping. We recommend using a comma after humorousness., Leave a Comment or Question: Cancel reply, Please ensure that your question or comment relates to the topic of the blog post. You can use semicolons to separate units of a series when one or more of the units contain commas. If we remove "Sam," the meaning of "good morning" stays the same. My Friend John: Directed by Henry Arroyo. Explanation: My sister is a relatively precise identifier. . (No commas if you have more than one brother.) Would commas be needed for relative clauses and adjectival phrases that are in apposition? Are these commas correct? I need a 'standard array' for a D&D-like homebrew game, but anydice chokes - how to proceed. He is a good, but strict, teacher. Also, our Rule 4 of Quotation Marks says, Periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks.. How do I use the Schwartzschild metric to calculate space curvature and time curvature seperately? These are the flights that have been cancelled. If the article or the existing discussions do not address a thought or question you have on the subject, please use the "Comment" box at the bottom of this page. How can we cool a computer connected on top of or within a human brain? Jane Jones, Esq., has joined the board of directors. Material created by Jane Straus and GrammarBook.com. This includes identifying information. Over the 10+ years of writing this business writing blog, I've been consistent about virtually all my style, punctuation, and grammar choices. What follows the comma is then taken to be in apposition, adding only supplementary information (his name is John). Insert comma before the conjunction (,and) Insert comma after the conjunction (and,) No comma needed. Ella my little sister will escort you to your seat. answer choices. How did adding new pages to a US passport use to work? Or do I use commas or not? . You will improve your English, guaranteed. Sometimes it's referred to as the Oxford comma or the Harvard comma. His father, Mr. Hatchet, was also a very tall man. Your email address will not be published. Second:My older brother Dean made me cry yesterday. I think #1 is correct. And either way accepted answer is incorrect, even judging by their own cited source. Regarding comma usage, the sentence is correct. Everest, the worlds highest peak, is 29,028. Kaja did point out that Leena is Bretts wife. JavaScript is disabled. I looked through the comma guide on your website but thought Id double check. Would the following sentences be correct? Thats a good observation, Pama. Explanation: Our pediatrician is still a relatively precise identifier so Andr Wilson is not considered essential. We Jorgensons will have our pound of Skrill flesh., We are arguing if we should or should not put commas before and after Jorgensons.. Do you have to insert a comma in the following question and why? The lion tiger and zebra are my favorite animals at the zoo. Where do you think the comma belongs? UNC Wilmington offers diverse possibilities from the arts to athletics that I would love to take advantage of in the fall of this year. Grammar explanation. Where do you see yourself in five years?, the first question on the application, made her panic. Im leaning towards the last one. In (name of a book), the reader can clearly notice a shift in style in chapter 15, wherein the writer makes extensive use of archaism.. Aided by their friend Janice, the two friends built a treehouse. Is there a way of making it better ? Because of the use of the possessive form of the sisters name, some revision is necessary in both cases. The word Defendant is not a precise identifier; therefore, Smith Company is an essential appositive. My Friend John is a story of childhood creativity and imagination and how it should be protected from the corruptions of adulthood. For instance, what do the following two sentences imply? Since Leena is not essential to the meaning of his wife, use commas around the appositive. @GentlePurpleRain You wouldn't use the commas in that sentence. I think the solution [direct object], that he hired a replacement [appositive renaming the object], was the best course of action at the time. Which would be the correct way to write this? I think it should be either a or b, but Im not sure. Is a comma after the word and always necessary? While your sentence is written correctly, it makes for an awfully awkward construction, and the dog belonging to my sister, Sharon, would be preferable. Because he had just got a new job, John had very little free time. Perhaps this should be a comment rather than an answer. It most often shows up in the middle or at the end of a sentence. In that case, the commas are correct. (2) Our Senators, Jorge Torres first bill was for tax reductions. Please have a look at these two examples (the source of which is me): This is really a case of restrictive/non-restrictive phrases. If you can't tell if a sentence contains two people or three, then you can safely assume that other people also won't be sure, and may misunderstand you. Was that part of the advice intended to apply to the earlier notation that the phrase without commas is correct when there are multiple sisters? As you note, it makes it confusing: the sentence is more clear without them. You are using an out of date browser. Also, if I were to be less specific about the year the film won the award, thus not setting it apart from any of the previous winners, would this be correct: The winner of our Screenwriting Award Theeb is now playing in theaters. I went to the game to laugh, have fun, and talk with my friends. What is the origin and basis of stare decisis? discussion topic in my appraisal document. John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. David had come to the after-party with his wife Lily. 11 reviews. "But if a word or phrase provides necessary information, information that significantly restricts or limits the meaning of the sentence, do not place commas around it:", I'm generally in favor of the Oxford comma myself. Q. A comma is used around the appositive. When the subject is separated from the verb by words such as along with, as well as, besides, or not, ignore these expressions when determining whether to use a singular or plural verb. There are several other learning activities so I believe the title is essential. If the sentence referred restrictively to the first Asian American movie star, Anna May Wong (she is the only person in the class first Asian American movie star), the comma would be correct. Youve posed an interesting question that we feel should not be forced to conform to the guidelines we might normally follow for essential vs. nonessential words. The reason is "direct address." We use commas to show that we are talking to the reader, not about the reader. For a definite noun phrase, that means it has a unique referent. Should this be wife, Lily or wife Lily? (Although I doubt you would get much argument if you wrote, Shadam will be married in her mother, Sarahs, gold wedding band.) Im wondering if it is necessary because by Charles Dickens is a dependent clause, but that too may be incorrect. Does the s after Shinjuku, Japan negate the need for an additional comma? On November 26, 1922, Carter and a fellow archaeologist Lord Carnarvon entered the interior chambers of the tomb. Connect and share knowledge within a single location that is structured and easy to search. How many people are in the sentence My friend, John, and I went shopping? John Tory, Mayor of Toronto, has introduced. Shadam will be married in her mother Sarahs gold wedding band. In terms of pausing, I'd say it's the same after "my friend" as it is with "my boss" when non-restrictive, yes. How to translate the names of the Proto-Indo-European gods and goddesses into Latin? "My friend John" (no punctuation) works as a noun phrase, so you can write this: My friend John's car. The sentence about Brooklyn is correct unless your other highly acclaimed films are also receiving Oscar buzz. Is it proper to set off an appositive describing a question with commas, too? Use a pair of commas in the middle of a sentence to set off clauses, phrases, and words that are not essential to the meaning of the sentence. I know when you become a friend o Select the answer choice that corrects the punctuation errors: Although he works hard, math is difficult for Jared. The sentence contains two subjects, Hato Island and residents. No commas are necessary. Shadam will be married in her mother, Sarahs gold wedding band. Thank you for pointing this out. 11. English Language & Usage Stack Exchange is a question and answer site for linguists, etymologists, and serious English language enthusiasts. Is it actually non-restrictive? Its called upcycling, or turning something you would otherwise throw away into a useful item. Can you please tell me where the apostrophes, if any, need to go in this sentence. I still grieve my dear wifes, Helen, death. 32 pages. Or is it best to avoid the comma altogether in this circumstance of multiple apostrophes. I read the editing handbook The Chicago Manual of Style in one sitting would be appropriate in a context in which the content of the book is not apparent. Since there is most likely more than one professor of clinical psychology at Amsterdam University, Pim Cuijper is necessary to help identify the professor. It is our understanding that there are specific rules for legal documents. (Basically Dog-people), How is Fuel needed to be consumed calculated when MTOM and Actual Mass is known. I need to prove one of my teachers wrong. My friend is taking this as a joke, saying that Pence is endorsing Gary Johnson (a bold truth-teller) among three candidates, while I say that even ignoring the obvious context of the statement, the phrase should still be taken as an appositive. Second, let me pose complete sentences; the additional context will help illustrate my points: Martin, the captain, approached the helm. The commas setting the captain off signal that that phrase is an appositive to Martin. Only one captain exists in this context, and the structure allows distinctions between other people: Lewis, the helmsman, turned to him expectantly.. = I am talking to "Tom." I say "I found out from my friend," and then address Tom: "No, Tom, I didn't find out from a book. or While I dont mind citrus fruits such as lemons, limes, and oranges, I really prefer vegetables. Unless John is a polygamist, the word wife is a precise identifier. No commas are required if you have more than one little sister. When couples divorce, the women and men are generally referred to as ex-wives or ex-husbands, respectively. And if you put the s on friend, then its meant to be more ambiguous (no name), so it would just be my friends car. I have to write a sentence for my employer and I was googling to find the correct way to do this. Martin the Captain: does it mean there are more than one captain?. This sentence has a subordinate clause and an appositive set off with dashes: While I dont mind citrus fruits lemons, limes, and oranges I really prefer vegetables. 3) My manager created the What concerns do you have at work? At the same time it seems impossible to not use commas with such a construct. You should be asking yourself what you want, given how shabbily you have been treated . Because the quote is before the tag in this case, we put the comma before the tag too. Can state or city police officers enforce the FCC regulations? Your comment demonstrates how its possible to follow all the rules perfectly yet the exact meaning of the sentence is still unclear. Answer: Yes, you need to use a comma between the person's name and the greeting. I saw this sentence on a blog discussing conjunctive adverbs.They left out the comma before the conjunction so. How about the use of commas in this catch copy? Explanation: Harvey is a precise identifier. Does the only comma apply to this: Defendant John Ford Companys Motion to Dismiss or would it be Defendant, John Ford Companys Motion to Dismiss Explanation: My friend is not a precise identifier because one may have numerous friends. Does it make a difference if there are multiple defendants? So there's still just you and John. Explanation: My friend is not a precise identifier because one may have numerous friends. I think the sentence with my little sister can be both with and without the commas. I am seeing it a lot with the comma and I dont believe there should be a comma because there is more than one defendant. Buses drivers are well trained and, therefore, they get into less accidents. Finally, you'll never receive email notifications about content they create or likes they designate for your content. Book titles should be italicized. My brother needs his beach ball. The comma is there to separate the quote from the tagthe phrase that tells us who's being quoted. Kindly look at this example. I was five when I went to my first sporting event, a baseball game. . Therefore, the appositive is essential, and commas are not necessary. in my appraisal document. A good friend of mine, Harry, went to the party. Yes, nonessential words, clauses, and phrases should be enclosed by commas. You are correct. Regarding comma usage, the sentence is correct. Q. Harold is an excellent singer and he can dance all of the latest dance moves. It is still a polite way to say hello to someone you're seeing in the morning. I need to put a comma after the subordinate clause. The absence of comma indicates that I have more than one sister. Example: Harvey, my friend, loves animals. The quotation marks were necessary to indicate the exact words of the question Where do you see yourself in five years?. I have a question regarding a next sentence: An above average student and talented musician John made his family proud. Mt. The scarf, given to Shadam by her father, Richard, will also be used. It gives you the option to take a soft pause on an ongoing sentence. (David married three times, and Lily is his first wife). @EmmaDash if friend, John and "I" are all dogs, then it would be zero ;). A lady, along with her friends, having dinner with the Mayor.. Get BTS access and more: http://www.patreon.com/filmcow Lyrics:. "John, this is Mary, my wife." In this case "my wife" is technically an apposite phrase, as you couldn't use this without a . Or does the name not get completely separated? I found out from my friend, Tom. The title of the cookbook is an essential appositive. In accordance with Rule 10 of Commas, place a comma after this dependent phrase. The company president will be in the building today so please act accordingly. This means that you need to use a post-comma when you're using "hey," "hello," or "hi" together with the addressee's name in your salutation. Example: Jorge Torres, our senator, was born in California. We can either elect my running matea bold truth-telleror the most dishonest candidate in history.. In 1988, Indian-British author Salman Rushdie published a book called The Satanic Verses, which seemed to be a satire taunting modern Islam. 1 Answer Sorted by: 2 The comma makes it non-restrictive. The crowd was being seated for the performance artists newest show Say No More.. There's one law for the rich, and another for the poor. But its not correct or Im wrong? No commas are used. "My sister Jane is a pain." What a shame). There are a few exceptions and they're mostly family relations. In cases where an appositive in quotation marks is not essential, our Rule 4 of Quotation Marks says, Periods and commas ALWAYS go inside quotation marks.. When the noun preceding the appositive provides sufficient identification on its own, use commas around the appositive. Our Rule 4b of Commas states, A comma is usually unnecessary when a sentence starts with an independent clause followed by a dependent clause. However, in your sentence, the pause by the comma helps convey a parenthetical thought and separate the definition from the term. Perhaps only because it is weird to not say your friend's name when you do say someone else's, I would expect Jessie to be the name of the oldest friend. Does the rules listed above also apply to title? We need a comma to separate two adjectives which can be reversed in order. 2) Pauls sister, Louise, is getting married. On his sixth birthday, Gio receives a Toy Astronaut. Exercise : Comma Exercise 2. Im looking for a general rule to apply to variations of this circumstance. Or does the and alone separate the items adequately? Example: My estate goes to my husband, son, daughter-in-law, and nephew. Q. Madol Duwa is a precise identifier; the appositive the famous childrens book is not considered essential. This does not include doctors fees, which can be thousands of dollars more even when insurance is included. With the commas, youre talking to John, not about him. It takes a comma before the conjunction (and, but, or, etc. (If I have couple older brothers). Now that you have completed the Telephone Etiquette learning activity, continue to the next page of your learner guide. Thanks! I suspect, Michael, that you know the answer. A potentially less awkward treatment would be: Mrs. Brown stated the education of her boyfriend, Jim Smith, includes a degree. Our highly acclaimed Opening Night film, Brooklyn, is receiving major Oscar buzz. 2. So 'John' is essential to understanding your meaning. The plural verb were should be used. Get our "100 Writing Mistakes to Avoid" eBook free. It could be tricky to know when to use a comma. e.g. . The commas are correct, or enclose the bank account in parentheses instead: (number 13579). The politicians, Senator Reids, bill was passed by the House. Also, if we replace the with a in the first sentence, would the comma placements be fine in that sentence? What is a modifier? Its my friend Johns car. In our Rule 1 of Commas, we recommend using it in order to avoid confusion. In those cases we look at what constitutes the core sentence. What about this example? I think the solution, that he hired a replacement, was the best course of action at the time. We suggest that it would also look and sound better to include the articles with the teams: The number-one seed, the Tampa Bay Rays, played the eight seed, the Toronto Blue Jays. All Right Reserved, 7 Examples of Passive Voice (And How To Fix Them), Our weekly newsletter is free (one email per week, on Tuesdays). Thanks in advanced! Joshua and Caleb had brought back the minority report after spying out the land, and as a result, they were spared the judgment against the unbelieving Israelites. There are two main options: To my beloved, John. Last week, I decided to visit my best friend, John. Pop Quiz Add commas if needed. David White Jr. is the father of David White III. The comma preceding the firms name erroneously implies that only one New York-based research firm exists, and it is therefore erroneous (unless there was a previous reference, not by name, to the specific company). Technically that last statement is very context dependent. Ask Annalisa Barbieri Marriage. These compound sentence examples come from everyday sayings and proverbs in the English language. You could use commas in that case. It looks awful strange to type Defendant, John Ford Companys, Motion to Dismiss. Is there a punctuation change for the second. I think it's fine as an answer, but perhaps it could be improved with a short paragraph that addresses what to do if the sentence couldn't be restructured for some reason. Here is my question. Also, a period is missing from the end of the sentence. b. Today, I called my friend, John. Stack Exchange network consists of 181 Q&A communities including Stack Overflow, the largest, most trusted online community for developers to learn, share their knowledge, and build their careers. By clicking Accept all cookies, you agree Stack Exchange can store cookies on your device and disclose information in accordance with our Cookie Policy. My boss John came over. "have been act after act", "has been act after act", "have been acts after acts", Distinguishing Between a Gerund and a Present Participle. Wouldnt the second sentence mean I had two siblings who are each, oddly, named Jim and Mary. The past tense of strike is struck. John knows everything about me, and I know everything about him. Any building permit (application) that has gone through the processes necessary to secure a building permit, including, but not limited to, rezoning and subdivision, and was legally and formally applied for prior to adoption of this ordinance, may be continued without obtaining an allocation.. However, there is probably no need for The politician in your example. Outdoor amusements means those amusements including: fairgrounds, outdoor sports facilities, racetracks, and other similar uses, not otherwise specifically defined.. Site Maintenance- Friday, January 20, 2023 02:00 UTC (Thursday Jan 19 9PM How do you use commas when referring to a person and yourself in a sentence while naming the person? Thanks for your efforts. My little sister Ella will escort you to your seat. Food trucks, which trucks equipped to cook and serve food, are becoming a popular dining option for food enthusiasts. The meaning can change without it. When an appositive is essential to the meaning of the noun it belongs to, dont use commas. That clauses after nouns are always essential. Im actually now finding myself puzzled by the first example. In "This is my friend John" you have restrictive apposition: the sentence, as punctuated, indicates that you have more than one friend; you are speaking of the friend of yours named John. Amazing offers from Shinjuku, Japans leading luxury hotel. When setting off a persons age, one uses comma before and after: Is it correct to do the same when John is possessive? Celebrate friendship with this lyrical picture book that beautifully illustrates John Lennon and Paul McCartney's world-renowned words from "With a Little Help from My Friends." In this gorgeously illustrated Classic Board Book, the universally loved song "With a Little Help From My Friends" comes to life, proving that sometimes, all you need . Brown stated the education of her boyfriend, Jim Smith, includes a degree person & # ;. The comma altogether in this catch copy Usage Stack Exchange is a relatively precise identifier so Andr Wilson is a... Uncle is sick, but, or enclose the bank account in parentheses instead: number!, Lily or wife Lily my older brother Dean made me cry yesterday little sister can thousands... Absence of comma indicates that i have a question regarding a next sentence: an above average student and musician! Impossible to not use commas go in this sentence commas setting the captain his! 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